Top 5 News Sources

1) The New York Times (

The New York Times is my primary source of news for several reasons. One reason that I get a majority of my news from the New York Times is because I believe it is one of the more unbiased and non-partisan sources of mainstream news. It is easily accessible because of how famous and well-established it is as a source of news and that is the primary reason why I listed it at number one; because it is often one of the most easily accessible sources of (relatively) unbiased news.

2) RussianToday News (

This is usually not a top 5 source of news but in light of recent world events, this has been one of my primary sources of news for a month or two. It is critically important to get multiple perspectives on an issue as complex as the war between Russia and Ukraine, so just getting the American perspective is not enough. It is equally important to get Russian and Ukrainian point of views as it is the American perspective; if not more.

3) Ukrinform (

As already mentioned, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is a complex one. It is important to read both perspectives of the issue at hand, and therefore, very important to get news directly from those two countries' sources. Additionally, I have found that the Ukrainian and American point of view often are far closer to eachother than the Russian point of view. It is for this reason that I listed Russian news above Ukrainian views, as I spend more time attempting to understand the Russian perspective.

4) The Daily Wire (

As someone who is typically more right leaning than left leaning when it comes to politics, I often find myself reading from more right-leaning sources of news. I usually come to the Daily Wire because it often adds its own commentary with evidence and logical arguments for what they believe. It is not a site which I would call unbiased by any means, but I find its additional commentary helpful when learning about an issue.

5) MSN (

I read MSN and would call it more unbiased than most sources of mainstream news, however it still has a certain degree of bias towards the left side of politics. I believe that it is necessary and important to read sources from both ends of the political spectrum, as both sides have a tendency to omit information that does not fit their narrative. As such, the only way to get the complete picture is to read stories from both sides. 

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